Altreon,the startup journey I

Ah yes, the legendary "Building in Public" phase.Building in public is the main customer acquisition channel for many startups. While the number of founders using this strategy have increased over the last few years,it has not dwindled due to competition. It still generates very attractive returns on the investment of time/money through the opportunity for early advertising,a much better alternative than waiting in the shadows for "perfection" which might cost you your target audience.

Obviously, this is my preferred strategy.

Many years ago, founders would stay in stealth mode for many months so as to avoid "getting their ideas stolen". As time began to proove that the benefits of sharing and getting feedback on your ideas beat the risk of getting copied by another entrepreneur, more founders began to share their journeys. Aside competitors, there a generally two types of people in the startup ecosystem:

Support groups: These are friends and other founders who enjoy reading about startups and want to learn from your wins and struggles.

Customers: These are users of your product or service ,who are interested in staying up to date with your business' news.

Hence by building in public, you're building both an environment of support for your entrepreneurship journey and a strong relationship with customers.

One might ask, what exactly are the solutions we aim to provide? Is the interface shown above an app or a website? Are the solutions readily available to everyone? Can the softwares scale businesses? These are all questions i've asked myself as a startup founder. Find out on the next blog release.