Dealing with 'Redirected you too many times' error in Netlify websites.

4 activites can be carried out to fix this issue,each one as a next step in case the previous solution does not work.;

1.Make sure the webpage name is simple.

    Eg,blogpost;howtopreparesusiproperly.html should simply be propersushi.html or anything as simply. Long webpage filenames are of the lesser known,but common causes of this error.

2.Clear web browser cookies

3. Create _redirects file and place it in the project folder.

    Insert the copied link from you web browser into the empty _redirects file on the left hand side,and the webpage filepath on the right.It should be in this format;

    Upload modified project to folder to netlify.

4.Apply 302! at the end of the desired webpage path in your _redirects file and upload.

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Genesis 32:10

I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servant, for with only my staff I crossed this Jordan, and now I have become two camps.